
I've been Married to Sue for 36 years now! How time has flown since September 1975.
We have two Daughters and four Grandsons.
We've had some great times together as a family, including Sailing and other holidays.
You'll see that now that time has marched on a bit, we haven't changed much, just a little aged.
Our Daughters are now older than we were when this pic was taken!
  See, haven't changed much have we?
I think I've put on a little weight, this photo was taken on our eldest Daughter Sally's Wedding day.

And here they are! Sally and Andrew, Sally is our eldest Daughter and they have two Son's, Ethan and George. Two great little lads, they are both going to be fine young men.

Right and below is Ethan and George

They haven't Changed much either! or have they?

Lisa is our youngest Daughter  
she was married a few months before Sally, and here they! are Lisa and Craig
with their two Son's Luke and Callum,
With Sally and a couple of friends in the background.

Here they are again, up close and comfy.

And Callum with Luke on the day of their Mum and Dad's Wedding, they were the page boys!

 Sadly Callum has a disability and was unable to walk.
 Since then our families have helped raise £45,000 to take him to the USA for an SDR operation to enable him to walk.
 It takes time, the operation(s) went well and he now has a year of intensive Physiotherapy ahead, to build his leg muscles and get him walking unaided.

See 'Steps4 the Future' (top right).

Luke is fine and he can hardly wait until his twin brother is ready to play football with him.

 Below is a film of us and friends holding a plant and flower sale in our street in aid of Callums' appeal. The backing music is a song written for Callum by an old friend 'Bill Crawfish' who also performed it, and I dubbed in a few phrases from Callum.


What I find worrying is that one of our Daughters seems to think that the Childrens Holidays are a matter for the Grandparents and not as a family
i.e. Mum, Dad and the Boy's, they have never had a Holiday alone together.

 Is this a trend these day's? if it is, then I'm sure its not in the interests of the Children.

 I myself when my daughters were young thought this was very important to the family and made every effort, to give the family a good holiday at least once a year, even if it mean't going to an inexpensive Holiday village.

 Though I must say there were plenty of foreign Holidays once they were in their teen's, The Canaries, South Africa and the USA, sometimes for several weeks. All this and Summer weekends away on our Boat as well.

 I was not a wealthy man, but what I had, I worked hard for, and on occasions running up debts in order to do it. Did I spoil my Kid's, I don't think so.
 But I wanted them to see a little of the world before life tied them down.