My Ships

  I was in the Royal Navy from 1964 until 1976 (Nine year + 3 years Reserve). 
Here are some of the Ships I was 'drafted' to.
HMS Lion

A light Cruiser, with Twin 6" Turrets, for’ard and aft, she also had three twin 3" turrets, for’ard and midships either side. I joined ‘Lion’ in Jan 1965, she was my first real ship. I had been training at HMS Raleigh(Basic Training) and HMS Dryad (Radar Training) since 1st June 1964. The day after I joined 'Lion' we sailed for Africa , for the Independence Ceremony of Gambia. Calling at Gibraltar, Toulon, and Casablanca. After our return home we had some leave and then another Cruise to the Fleet review in the Clyde, then we sailed for Kiel(Germany), Stockholm(Sweden) and Bergen (Norway). It was a tremendous Cruise for us all, there were no Hostile situations on these cruises, so it was an excellent introduction to Sea-going life for a young Lad like me (I was 19 at the time).
After ‘Lion’ I had a short break in the reserve fleet, living aboard HMS Belfast, being the reserve fleet we didn’t go anywhere, then on the 17th March 1966 I joined HMS Relentless.

HMS Relentless

'Relentless' was a Type 15 Frigate, she had a twin 4.5" turret, aft and Mortar Mk10, aft and twin Bofor's above the Bridge. This was a Hammock ship for us 'Lower Deckers', I was in the Seaman's Mess, below the Quarter Deck.
After months of 'Work-up', we sailed for the Far East, calling at Gibraltar, TMalta, Suez, Aden, Mombasa, Beira, Madagascar, Mauritius, Gan, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong.
Entering some mild Hostile situations during the trip. we returned home in late 67, via Gan, Mombasa, Beira, Cape Town, Freetown and Gibraltar. Arriving home we had some long 'Leave' then after Christmas we sailed for N. Ireland and Holland, then back down to Gibraltar, for Guard ship duties and also visited Malta, Italy Turkey and Greece.
In September 1968 I went back to HMS Dryad (Southwick), for my Two's course,(More Radar Training), then February to April, back to the Reserve Fleet(HMS Bellerophon) to await my next Draft.
I Joined HMS Shoulton, a Minehunter on the 21st April 1969.

HMS Shoulton

Someone sent a Birthday Card to greet me at 'Shoulton', hence my first day was a total blank, as the 'Lads' decided to make it a 'Happy' Birthday, they got me 'Pissed' on Rum, aboard at Portsmouth and I woke up with a Hangover in Portland. They had hidden me below in the Sonar Space, and then put to sea bound for Portland.
Shoulton was a 'Home Seas' draft, so we did'nt travel anywhere too exotic, but we had Great Fun everywhere we went, France, Wales, Scotland, Gemany, Holland and various UK ports.
I passed for 'Killick' Seaman, during that time, by 'Challenging the Board' in Portland. My Skipper, The Famous Frank Trickey, thought I was 'Nuts', but backed me all the way, Portland was the Naval Sea Training Base and was a pretty tough area to make such a challenge.
After two and a half years in 'Shoulton', I volunteered for a 'Foreign Draft' as I only had eighteen months of service left with the Navy. So in October 1971, I Joined the 'Cleopatra'.
The day I left 'Frank Trickey' called me to his Cabin gave me a drink and presented me with my Hook (Promotion to Leading Seaman) and Ordered me to sew all the Badges on, that afternoon.

HMS Cleopatra
A Leander Class Anti Submarine Frigate, armed with twin 4.5 inch Turret for'ard, SeaCat Missiles Mortar Mk 10, and a Wasp Helicopter. (Re-Armed with Exocet and Sea Wolf later)
The Navy Flew me down to Cape Town to join 'Cleopatra', but I spent ten days in HMS Afrikander (South African Shorebase), doing nothing, until 'Cleopatra' came in from Excersizes with the SA Navy.
When I Joined Her, we remained in Cape Town for a while, then sailed for the Far East via Beira, Gan, then Singapore to tidy up to take over 'Escort' for the Royal Yacht, on the Queen's official tour of the Far East in 1972. 
On that tour we 'Visited' many small exotic Islands and Countries, such as Singapore, Penang, Bangkok, Sattahip, Port Klang, Port Sweatenham, Sisters Islands, Brunei, Khota Kinabalu, Khota Baru, Hong Kong, Paola Tioman, and , then finaly 'Handed over' the Royal Yacht Brittania, to HMAS Swan of the Royal Australian Navy, and went on to Subic Bay, then returned to Singapore for a while, then sailed for Home via Gan, Beira, Cape Town and Gibraltar, Home for 'Leave' then back out to Gibraltar for 'Guard Ship'.

'Miss Gibraltar'
(I'm not the one in the Cossie, but the 'Looker' on the left).
 I left the Cleopatra (As a two badge 'Killick') in march 1973, I was flown home from Gibraltar, to join the Barracks at Portsmouth HMS Victory, to prepare for my 'Demob' to Civilian life.

HMS Belfast    

  Yes its the one now moored on the Thames by Tower Bridge, it was in reserve when I lived on her. The Reserve fleet were being used as accomodation ships off Whale Island, Portsmouth. Where Sailors would be sent to await their next 'Draft' or Ship.

HMS Bellerophon

 This was the name of the combined ships in the Reserve fleet.


I served nine years (plus three Reserve) in the Royal Navy and they were without a doubt some of the happiest years of my life, if any young person who reads these pages, may be considering joining the Royal Navy. I would say to them,"don't think twice, Do it" !
I had many and varied duties, many happy memories and stories to tell, soon I'll put some on these pages.